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Andy Anderson                                                  Andaidh Mac’ill’Anndrais

“Taigh Chaluim”,                                                        “Taigh Chaluim”

63, Sorbie Road,                                                              63, Rathad Sorbie,

Ardrossan                                                                         Àrdrosan

North Ayrshire                                                          Siorrachd Àir a Touth

Scotland                                                                             Alba

KA227AA                                                                        KA227AA                                                                           Tel: 01294606472

date 29-1-25

To: First Support Group

Ref: CEDO_RSS_FirstSupport_125


Dear Friend,           Re: Respect Scottish Sovereignty- Petition PE2135.


We are writing to you directly because you were the first people to support our letter to the First Minister and in this way to give us your support in our independence campaign.


We want to keep you informed of what we are doing in this campaign, what our objectives are, and how we intend to achieve them.


We start from our recognition that we as a campaigning group can do nothing if we can’t bring the Scottish people with us. So we want our supporters, and the general public, to be crystal clear about our strategy and how they can assist us in achieving our mutual aims.


That the Scottish people are historically, constitutionally and legally, sovereign is well established so we won’t spend any time on this. However, the Scottish people have no voice in the present political set-up so they are unable to express their sovereign views.


Their political voice is supposed to be addressed in our present system by “Representative Democracy”, which for the Scottish people is ineffective. (a) Because you have to wait years to elect your representative. (b) Because your representative once elected can ignore any commitments he/she made to you, (c) Even if the whole of Scotland voted for a policy supported by every Scottish MP they can simply be outvoted in Westminster.


So “Representative Democracy” does not work for us. Fortunately we have an alternative.


As part of our UN heritage we have specific Human Rights entitlements which we can legally claim, and amongst these entitlements is the right to self-government and direct democracy.


The present Scottish Parliament has the powers to put these entitlements into Scottish law, and if they did that Scottish people could demand a referendum on any political or civil matter, including independence, and if 1% of the electorate called for such a referendum it would have to be done by law.


Currently over 5,000 people have voted for our Petition, and most Scots know nothing about it. So if Scottish people knew about our petition it would get the numbers it needed should it call for a referendum under the UN ICCPR provision.

We would welcome your continued support by voting for petition number PE2135, getting others to look at the petition, and contacting us to say that you would like to continue to support our campaign. We do not take the view that our campaign is the only way forward in the independence struggle, but we feel it is an important way forward and certainly will not hold-back or undermine any other campaign for independence.


We are trying to develop local units at ward level in every local government area of Scotland so if you are prepared to assist us then your post code would be most helpful. If you would like us to remove your details for our records let us know and we will do that


We are not a political party and we are not part of any political party, and we have no intention of becoming a political party. We welcome people who are members of any political party or none.


If you would like to help us, contact Andy Anderson at the above address and he will give you further information about us and answer any of your questions about us.


Andy Anderson


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Feb 12

I echo Bruce's sentiments, thank you all for your endeavours, your comments re the inability to remove or correct the useless representatives is something I vehemently object too, I wonder if there is anyone who could advise if a crowdfunded concerted legal challenge by voters against Anas Sarwar and the liebour party for deliberately lying to the electorate re the WASPI women and Grangemouth in order to be elected would be possible , IMO their actions are fraudulent and egregious and are deliberately designed for gain , if persons can be charged with fraud for operating a PONZI scheme for gain surely their lying promises should be actionable

Our politicians have become more and more brazen in their lies and…


Thanks for your efforts Andy, what would you like us to do next?



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